Nurturing the Heart Chakra (Anahata) through Yoga

In the intricate tapestry of the chakra system, the Heart Chakra, known as Anahata, emerges as the radiant centre that harmonises our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.  

Let’s embark on a journey into the essence of Anahata, exploring its significance, attributes, and the transformative power of yoga in strengthening this vital energy centre. Discover how unlocking the heart’s energy can lead to profound experiences of love, compassion, and interconnectedness.

The Heart Chakra Basics

Situated at the centre of the chest, Anahata translates to “unstruck” or “unhurt” in Sanskrit, symbolising the pure and untouched nature of the heart. Represented by a gentle green colour, this chakra bridges the lower and upper chakras, balancing earthly and spiritual energies. 

Location: At the centre of the chest, near the heart. 

Colour: Green, symbolises love, compassion, and harmony. 

Element: Air, representing the lightness and expansiveness of the heart. 

1) Love and Compassion: 

Anahata governs our capacity to love and experience compassion, not only for others but also for ourselves. 

2) Emotional Healing: 

This chakra is a centre for emotional balance and healing, allowing us to process and release past wounds. 

3) Connection and Interconnectedness: 

Anahata fosters a sense of connection with others and with the universe, emphasising the oneness of all beings. 

4) Harmonious Relationships: 

A balanced Heart Chakra contributes to healthy, harmonious relationships built on love, empathy, and understanding. 

Difficulty in Giving or Receiving Love: 

An underactive Heart Chakra may lead to challenges in forming meaningful connections or expressing love. 

2) Overwhelming Emotions: 

Overactivity in this chakra can result in excessive emotions, including possessiveness or jealousy. 

3) Isolation and Withdrawal: 

Imbalances may manifest as a tendency to isolate oneself emotionally or withdraw from relationships. 

4) Heart-Related Physical Issues: 

Anahata's imbalance can contribute to heart-related health issues, such as high blood pressure or heart palpitations. 

1) Heart-Opening Affirmations: 

Embrace affirmations that promote love and healing, such as "I am worthy of love" or "I forgive and release all that no longer serves me. 

2) Green Visualisation: 

During meditation, visualise a warm, green light expanding from your heart, enveloping your entire being in love and compassion. 

3) Acts of Kindness: 

Engage in acts of kindness, fostering a loving and compassionate attitude towards others and yourself. 

1) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog): 

Opens the chest and heart, promoting a sense of expansion and openness. 

2) Camel Pose (Ustrasana): 

Deeply stretches the chest, encouraging emotional release and heart-opening. 

3) Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): 

Strengthens the back and opens the heart, promoting balance in the Heart Chakra. 

4) Anahatasana (Heart Melting Pose): 

A gentle heart-opening pose that encourages vulnerability and emotional release. 


As we delve into the transformative energy of the Heart Chakra (Anahata), we discover the profound impact it has on our ability to love, heal, and connect with the world around us. Through the practice of heart-opening yoga asanas and intentional nurturing of this vital energy centre, we unlock the gateway to a life filled with love, compassion, and harmonious relationships. Embrace the journey within, strengthen your heart, and let the radiant energy of Anahata guide you towards a path of love and interconnectedness. 

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