Pre-Natal Care
Nurture Your Body and Baby with Gentle Yoga for Pre-Natal Care
Pre-natal care refers to the healthcare and support a woman receives during pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby. It involves a range of measures to promote a healthy pregnancy, including lifestyle adjustments, regular check-ups, and a focus on physical and mental well-being.
- Nausea and Vomiting: Many women experience morning sickness, which can be overwhelming during the early stages of pregnancy.
- Fatigue: The increased physical demands of pregnancy can lead to extreme fatigue, impacting daily energy levels.
- Body Image Changes: Physical changes, such as weight gain and alterations in skin pigmentation, may affect a woman’s perception of her body.
- Emotional Rollercoaster: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
- Medical Complications: Some women may face medical complications like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, requiring close monitoring and potential interventions.
- Social Support: Changes in relationships, whether with a partner, family, or friends, can impact a woman’s emotional well-being.
- Sleep Disturbances: Discomfort, frequent bathroom trips, and hormonal changes can disrupt sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability.
- Fear of Childbirth: Anxiety and fear related to the labour and delivery process are common concerns for pregnant women.
- Tadasana:strengthens the spine, relieves back pain, and promotes proper alignment, supporting the body as it adapts to changes during pregnancy.
- Utthita Trikonasana:helps relieve backache, improves digestion, and creates space in the pelvis, supporting comfort and mobility during pregnancy.
- Utthita Parsvakonasana:relieves lower back pain, improves circulation, and creates space in the pelvic region, making it a supportive pose for pregnancy.
- Virabhadrasana-II:Strengthens Legs: Tones and strengthens the leg muscles, promoting stability during pregnancy.
- Ardha Chandrasana:enhances stability, relieves tension in the lower back, and promotes flexibility, helping to support the body during pregnancy.
- Parshvottanasana (Pyramid Pose):improves posture, relieves back tension, and enhances blood circulation, supporting overall well-being during pregnancy.
- Prasarita padottanasana:helps improve circulation, relieves lower back tension, and creates space in the pelvic region, aiding comfort and relaxation during pregnancy.
- Upvishta konasana:opens the pelvis, improves circulation to the lower body, and promotes relaxation, supporting comfort and preparation for childbirth.
- Baddhakonasana:improves flexibility in the pelvic region, enhances blood circulation, and helps reduce discomfort in the lower back and hips, supporting overall well-being during pregnancy.
- Virasana:aids digestion, relieves swelling in the legs and feet, and enhances mindfulness, providing comfort and grounding during pregnancy.
- Setubandha Sarvangasana: relieves tension in the lower back, improves circulation, and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which can be helpful during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. It also promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
- Savasana:Stress Reduction: Induces a deep state of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.
Blood Pressure Regulation: Aids in stabilizing blood pressure, which is important during pregnancy.
Mind-Body Connection: Fosters a connection between mind and body, promoting mindfulness during the prenatal period.
- Ujjayi Pranayama:it promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances oxygen delivery to both the mother and the baby. Its calming effect helps manage emotional fluctuations, improves focus, and prepares the body for labor by teaching controlled, rhythmic breathing.
ताड़ासन / Mountain pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Tada (ताड़ा) meaning mountain and Asana (आसन) …
Utthita Trikonasana
उत्थिता त्रिकोनासनI / Triangle Pose
The Sanskrit name comes from the Utthita, meaning “extended,” Trikona, meaning …
Utthita Parsvakonasana
उत्थिता पार्श्वकोनासन / Extended Lateral Angle Pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Utthita (उत्थिता), meaning “extended,” Parsva …
विरभद्रासन II / Warrior Pose 2
The Sanskrit name is derived from vira (विरा) meaning hero, bhadra (भद्रा )meaning …
Ardha Chandrasana
अर्धचन्द्रासना / Half Moon Pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from ardha (अर्ध) meaning half, chandra (चन्द्र) …
पार्श्वोत्तानासना / Intense Side Stretch Pose
The name derives from the words "Parsva" means "side", "Uttana" means "intense …
Prasarita padottanasana (Chin support)
प्रसारिता पदोत्तनासन / Wide-legged forward bend
The Sanskrit name is derived from Prasārita (प्रसारित) meaning spread out or …
Upvishta konasana
उपविष्टा कोणासन / Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend
The Sanskrit name is derived from Upavistha (उपविष्टा) means open/seated, Kona …
Baddha konasana
बद्ध कोनासन / Bound angle pose
The sanskrit name is derived from Baddha ( बद्ध) ,meaning "bound", Koṇa (कोण) …
वीरासन / Hero Pose
The sanskrit name is derived from Vira (वीरा) meaning hero or a warrior and …
Setubandha Sarvangasana (Pre-Natal)
सेतुबन्ध सर्वंगासन / Bridge pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Setu (सेतु) meaning bridge, Bandha (बन्धा) …
शवासना / Corpse pose
The sanskrit name is derived from Śava (शव) meaning "corpse" and āsana (आसन) …
Ujjayi Pranayama
उज्जायी प्राणायाम / Victorious Breath or Ocean Breath
The word "Ujjayi" comes from Sanskrit routes were “Ujjayi” means "victorious" …