
Utthita marichyasana (Therapy)

उत्थिता मरिच्यासन / Extended Sage Marichi Pose

October 9, 2024

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Introduction to the Asana

The name comes from the Sanskrit, Utthita, meaning “extended” or “stretched”; Marichi, which is the name of a great Hindu sage.

  • Strengthens the shoulders
  • Improves the digestive functioning
  • Reduces back pain

Ailments Tackled
  • Indigestion
  • Back pain

Steps to perform the Asana: Utthita marichyasana (Therapy)
  • Place a yoga mat on the floor and position a sturdy stool beside the wall.
  • Place a yoga block on the floor.
  • Place a sturdy stool beside you. The height of the stool should be such that it allows you to comfortably place your foot on it when you bend your knee.
  • Place the yoga block on the floor just outside of your extended left leg. You can use this block to help support you if you find it difficult to reach the floor.
  • Bend your right knee and place your right foot on the stool. Your right knee should point outward to the side, and your right foot should be flat on the stool.
  • Inhale and lengthen your spine. Stand up tall and engage your core muscles
  • This prop can elevate your knee slightly and make it easier to twist comfortably.
  • Raise your hands up. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders relaxed away from your ears.
  • Exhale and twist your torso to the right, bringing your left elbow to the outside of your right knee.
  • Use your left arm to gently press against the wall, aiding in the twist.
  • After being comfortable in the pose look towards the right side.
  • Focus on lengthening your spine with each inhale and deepening the twist with each exhale.
  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and evenly.
  • Slowly release the pose.
  • Now repeat the pose on the opposite side, bending your left knee and twisting toward the left.
  • Gradually untwist your torse and bring the leg down on the floor from the stool.
  • Relax yourself.

Key Alignment Points
  • Focus on the expansion of your ribs with each inhale and releasing the tension with each exhale.

Common Misalignments / (Mistakes)
  • Don’t allow your torso to roll to the outside, keep it extended forward

Contraindication / Cautions
  • Avoid in lower back injury
  • Avoid during pregnancy
  • Avoid in endometriosis
  • Avoid in fibroids
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