The Sanskrit name is derived from three Sanskrit words: Paschima (पश्चिमा) meaning west or back of the whole body from the head to heels, Uttan (उत्तान) meaning to stretch oneself upwards and asana (आसन) meaning posture or seat.
The Sanskrit name is derived from three Sanskrit words: Paschima (पश्चिमा) meaning west or back of the whole body from the head to heels, Uttan (उत्तान) meaning to stretch oneself upwards and asana (आसन) meaning posture or seat.
सलाम्बा सर्वंगासन / Shoulder stand
The sanskrit name is derived from Salamba (सलाम्बा) means " supported", Sarva …
ताड़ासन / Mountain pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Tada (ताड़ा) meaning mountain and Asana (आसन) …
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