
Parshvottanasana ( chin on the support stool) (Therapy)

पार्श्वोत्तानासना / Intense Side Stretch Pose

October 9, 2024

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Introduction to the Asana

The name derives from the words “Parsva” means “side”, “Uttana” means “intense extend-stretch-lengthening”, and “Asana” means seat or pose.

  • Strengthens the legs and core
  • Improves balance and digestion
  • Calms the mind
  • Improve posture and relieve tension in the spine
  • Help to relieve symptoms of bloating and constipation

Ailments Tackled
  • Cures Arthritis and Sinus
  • Cures Lower back pain
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Steps to perform the Asana: Parshvottanasana ( chin on the support stool) (Therapy)
  • Place a Yoga Stool on your yoga mat. Ensure that the Stool is stable and won’t slide and place a yoga blanket on top of it.
  • Stand facing the Stool with your feet hip-width apart. Your toes should be pointing forward.
  • Step your left foot back at a comfortable distance, keeping both feet in one line<strong>. </strong>The toes of your left foot should be pointing slightly outwards.
  • Square your hips towards the front of the stool. Adjust your stance as needed to maintain hip alignment.
  • Place your hands on the stool, gripping the top edge for support. Keep your arms straight and shoulders relaxed.
  • Hinge at your hips and slowly fold forward over your right leg. Keep your spine long and chest open as you fold forward.
  • Allow your chin to rest on the blanket placed over the Stool for support, depending on your comfort level.
  • Hold the asana for 40-60 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly. Focus on lengthening through the spine and relaxing into the stretch.
  • To come out of the pose, engage your core muscles and slowly lift your torso back up. Step your left foot forward to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same procedure with other leg.

Key Alignment Points
  • Square your hips towards the front of the mat. This may involve rotating your left hip slightly forward and your right hip slightly back to ensure alignment.
  • Firmly press down through the outer edge of your left foot and engage the muscles of your left thigh to stabilize the leg.

Common Misalignments / (Mistakes)
  • Allowing the front knee to bend too much
  • Lifting the back heel off the ground

Contraindication / Cautions
  • Avoid in case of high or low blood pressure
  • Not to practice if suffering from Migraine
  • Avoid in case of any injury or surgery in shoulders, Ankles, knees or hips
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