Reduce Joint Pain and Increase Mobility with Yoga for Arthritis
Arthritis, a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, refers to the inflammation of joints, leading to pain, swelling, and reduced mobility. It encompasses various types, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, each with distinct characteristics but sharing the common thread of joint inflammation.
- Aging: The natural wear and tear on joints over time can lead to arthritis.
- Joint Injuries: Previous injuries or trauma to joints can contribute to arthritis development.
- Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic tendency to develop certain types of arthritis.
- Autoimmune Disorders: Conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks joint tissues, causing inflammation.
- Infections: Certain infections can trigger arthritis, affecting joint health.
- Joint Pain: Persistent discomfort or aching in one or more joints.
- Stiffness: Reduced flexibility and increased difficulty in moving joints.
- Swelling: Inflammation that leads to visible swelling around affected joints.
- Reduced Range of Motion: Difficulty in moving joints through their full range.
- Joint Warmth: Increased temperature around affected joints due to inflammation.
- Morning Stiffness: Difficulty moving joints upon waking, lasting for varying durations.
- Redness: Inflammatory arthritis may cause redness around affected joints.
- Joint Deformities: Severe arthritis can lead to joint deformities over time.
- Urdhva Hastasana:helps alleviate joint stiffness and increases mobility in the shoulders and upper back, making it suitable for managing arthritis symptoms.
- Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana:relieves stiffness in the hands and shoulders while promoting flexibility and circulation, easing discomfort caused by arthritis.
- Utthita Trikonasana:enhances blood circulation to the joints, promotes joint stability, and alleviates tension in the knees and hips, supporting arthritis management effectively.
- Virabhadrasana -II:boosts circulation in the legs and hips, alleviating stiffness and promoting joint health while enhancing overall body awareness and balance.
- Ardha Chandrasana:improves body alignment and increases blood flow to the joints, helping to reduce inflammation and alleviate arthritis-related discomfort.
- Parshvottanasana:improves circulation to the joints, reduces stiffness in the hips and lower back, and encourages gentle spinal extension, which can help alleviate arthritis symptoms.
- Prasarita padottanasana: helps increase blood flow to the legs and hips, improving joint mobility and alleviating stiffness, which can be especially beneficial for managing arthritis symptoms.
- Sirsasana: helps increase blood flow to the upper body, which can aid in reducing inflammation and promoting joint health, though it should be done with proper alignment and support to avoid strain.
- Setubandha Sarvangasana:improves circulation to the joints, helps reduce stiffness in the back and hips, and provides a gentle stretch to the chest and spine, promoting relaxation and relief from arthritis pain.
- Viparita karani: helps to gently relax the body, reduce swelling and pain in the legs and joints, and ease discomfort by promoting blood flow and relaxation.
- Savasana:helps to release tension in the body, promoting relaxation and reducing stress, which can in turn help alleviate arthritis pain and stiffness, supporting overall joint health.
- Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath): Expands lungs for better oxygenation and promotes joint health, while also inducing relaxation to reduce stress and potentially lessen arthritis symptoms.
Urdhva Hastasana
उर्ध्व हस्तासन / Raised Hand Pose
The name derives from Sanskrit words Urdhva meaning "upward", Hasta means "hand" …
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
ऊर्ध्व बधंगुलियासन / Upward Salute with Interlocked Finger
The name comes from the Sanskrit word Urdhva means “upward” and baddha indicates …
Utthita Trikonasana
उत्थिता त्रिकोनासनI / Triangle Pose
The Sanskrit name comes from the Utthita, meaning “extended,” Trikona, meaning …
विरभद्रासन II / Warrior Pose 2
The Sanskrit name is derived from vira (विरा) meaning hero, bhadra (भद्रा )meaning …
Ardha Chandrasana
अर्धचन्द्रासना / Half Moon Pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from ardha (अर्ध) meaning half, chandra (चन्द्र) …
पार्श्वोत्तानासना / Intense Side Stretch Pose
The name derives from the words "Parsva" means "side", "Uttana" means "intense …
Prasarita padottanasana (Chin support)
प्रसारिता पदोत्तनासन / Wide-legged forward bend
The Sanskrit name is derived from Prasārita (प्रसारित) meaning spread out or …
शीर्षासन / Headstand
The sanskrit name is derived from sirsa (शीर्ष) meaning head and asana (आसन) …
Setubandha Sarvangasana
सेतुबन्ध सर्वंगासन / Bridge pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Setu (सेतु) meaning bridge, Bandha (बन्धा) …
Viparita karani
विपरिता करणी / Legs up the wall Pose
The Sanskrit name is derived from Viparita (विपरिता) meaning inverted and Karani …
शवासना / Corpse pose
The sanskrit name is derived from Śava (शव) meaning "corpse" and āsana (आसन) …
Ujjayi Pranayama
उज्जायी प्राणायाम / Victorious Breath or Ocean Breath
The word "Ujjayi" comes from Sanskrit routes were “Ujjayi” means "victorious" …