You’ve heard us talk about this documentary . . . because we are pretty excited about it! Well good news for those of you in London. It will be released at the ICA, The Mall on February 22nd with more dates to follow. We’re still waiting to hear about release dates in the US, we’ll…
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Attending the film premiere of “Der atmende Gott” or “Breath of the Gods” in Berlin were T.K. Sribhashyam and Srishubha, son and daughter of T. Krichnamacharya. We were able to join them in a 2-hour workshop and meet with Shubha for a relaxed interview. Here are some highlights: During T. Krishnamacharya’s time there was no…
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“Breath of the Gods – A Journey to the Origins of Modern Yoga” German Version DVD Release: September 26th! From a letter by the director to an Indian friend: “When you step onto your mat, you enter a world within the world – as the charcoal rectangle with Peter Brook. Everything that we see in…
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