O.P. Tiwari (*1933 in North India) is one of the great living Pranayama masters of India. He is a direct disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda, the founder of Kaivalyadhama Lonavla Institute and Ashram. For many years he was the leader of this world-renowned institute, which links Yoga tradition and science. With great integrity, he has been…
Read MoreKey elements of Raja Yoga : Asana & Pranayama
BY SUSHANT PANDEY Concept of Asana Asana (posture) and Pranayama are the 3rd and 4th limbs in the text of Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Asana literally means ‘seat’. In the text of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Asana is described as a seat of meditation. In the second chapter, verse 46; Patanjali defines asana as ‘sthiram sukham asanam’.…
Read MoreConversations in Yoga – A journey beyond asana
The yoga.in team are always excited to share news on yoga initiatives that are close to our hearts and beliefs. We were lucky enough to be part of Emil Wendel’s magical and deeply inspiring retreat last year, so when we heard he was back with a group of renowned scholars and yogis (flown in from…
Read MoreBreathing, Yoga and beyond
By Inna Costantini Breathing is a fundamental survival mechanism that over time has revealed to have connections with the mind, and -potentially- deeper states of awareness. All living beings need to breathe: it is a primary response for life, but as humans, we have, over time fine tuned our knowledge of the breathing process.
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