Developing Your Self practice in Yoga

During these virus-shaken days many of us are seeking for online guidance on their yogic path. Numerous online courses pop up and it seems like business with virtual consultants and practice videos is booming.  Self practice surely is an often neglected virtue in our modern times as the options and possibilities to join Yoga classes…

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Antar Mouna – Inner Silence

by Krishna Prakash Antar Mouna is a clear set of six stages to allow us to enter deep meditation and beyond. It was brought out by the wonderful living tradition of the Bihar School of Yoga. This article gives you an overview what to expect. If you say YES to one or more to any…

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Snapshots of The International Yoga Festival (IYF)

By Yarang Michi The International Yoga Festival (IYF) represents that yoga is for everyone, irrespective of background, culture or religion. The need for yoga is everywhere, and this festival helps in bringing change and progressing towards a more healthy and peaceful life. The Yoga Festival is an annual event and this year it was scheduled between…

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Top 10 benefits of practicing Mysore style Ashtanga Yoga

By Inna Costantini Inna has been practising yoga for over a decade and teaching since 2008. With a background in media, anthropology and a stint in PR, she experimented with a variety of yoga paths, before deciding to trade her desk for a yoga mat, and embark on an intensive yoga training course in India.…

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Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Mysore – Video

Nestled in a quiet neighbourhood in Mysore, Karnataka, and attached to the family home, the Shri Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute is one of the most highly esteemed yoga centres in India. Now lead by Pattabhi Jois’s grandson, R. Sharat Jois, the institute focuses on the austere tradition of Ashtanga yoga or “8-limbs yoga”. Attending the institute is…

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