Key elements of Raja Yoga : Yama and Niyama

BY SUSHANT PANDEY Raja yoga is understood as one of the classical branches of the yoga tradition. Literally, the term ‘Raja Yoga’ connotes, the culmination or highest state of yoga. Raja means royal; it is so named because it enables the yogin to reach the illustrious king within oneself, the supreme self or atman. In…

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Studying yoga in an Ashram in India: What You Need to Know

BY ANASTASIA I often get approached by people, who ask for recommendations of ashrams in India where they can study yoga. At some point in time, both beginners in yoga and experienced yoga practitioners long to come closer to the source of knowledge. Before suggesting a concrete place to go, I always ask, what is…

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Finding healing through Yoga in Mysore

BY ANGELA McHARDY There’s a band in Scotland, ‘Del Amitri’ sing the tune ‘Driving with the Brakes On’. The title resonates with my journey with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). PD is described as a ‘degenerative neurological condition, caused by impaired dopamine levels, affecting physical, cognitive and emotional functioning.’ It feels a bit like ‘Driving with the…

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Essentials of Meditation

BY SUSHANT PANDEY The process of meditation entails centering, mindfulness and internalization of awareness. Traditionally, the process of meditation is seen as a continuous process of an inward journey from the field of sensorial dimension to the innermost state of being. Technically this process begins with the stage of Pratyahara (withdrawal of mind). Pratyahara is…

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Remembering the life and times of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra

Gary J. McKenzie-McHarg Early February, the Yoga community in India lost a legend who contributed tirelessly to the world of Yoga. Dr Jayadeva Yogendra, was President of The Yoga Institute and an exemplary guru to all the Yogis who were fortunate enough to learn from him. pays a tribute to him with this remembrance in…

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International Yoga Festival 2018

It is that time of the year when the Yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh gets ready to host an event that celebrates Yoga in its truest sense. The International Yoga Festival 2018, organised by Parmarth Niketan Ashram in association with the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board & GMVN, will…

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Everything you wanted to know about Yoga Visas to India

As the International Day of Yoga approached us in 2016, the Indian Government made an announcement on the 2nd of June that made every yogi crack a smile. Foreigners can now apply for e-Visa not only for sightseeing, recreational and visiting purposes but also for short-term yoga courses and for taking short-term medical treatment under…

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Well Known Spiritual Gurus of India

Religion and spirituality hold a significant place in Indian culture and the nation is almost brimming with mystics, sages and ascetics. Some are fraudulent but some have been known to benefit humanity in their unique way of imparting spiritual wisdom. Through these gurus, people all over the world connect with the supreme power within which…

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Teaching Authentic Yoga : Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala

BY ADITHI MATHEWS Set in the Yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh Yogis Yogshala has it’s heart set on spreading the message of authentic Yoga. The founders of the shala, Uttam and Sushant met while teaching Yoga at Ananda in the Himalayas. After a few conversations about the lack of authentic Yoga schools in India,…

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Top Meditation Centers in India

The word ‘Yoga’ radiates peace and tranquility which is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ that means to join or unite. This union means to unite the individual self with Cosmic Consciousness or the Universal Spirit. India is the birthplace of Yoga, has always been a popular destination to grow spiritually and achieve tranquility of spirit. Between the…

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