Exploring human consciousness: From the Manduca Upanishad to contemporary scientific perspectives

RECONNECTING TO THE ROOTS Neuroscientists, armed with fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and EEG(electrical signals of the brain), map the brain’s intricate networks, uncovering the symphony of interactions that give rise to consciousness. However, modern science still needs to develop a hypothesis to help express this phenomenon. For example, there needs to be more clarity…

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Yoga and Ayurveda: “Same Same but Different”

By Gayatri Puranik “Yoga and Ayurveda are like two siblings of the same family, complementing each other, sometimes in complete agreement with one another, but oftentimes also of different opinions. In the end however they remain siblings of a family, stronger together and eternally bound to one another” With true Italian diplomacy, Giorgio Barabino, Director…

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A Mysterious History: Article Review of Lubomir Ondračka’s “Hathayoga”

In Lubomir Ondračka’s essay about the system of Hathayoga, he takes us through its up and down history, tracking this mysterious practice from its elusive historical origins to the re-ignited interest from modern day scholars who are keen to unfurl its mysterious and therefore, complicated past; emphasising how very little we really know about the…

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Yoga in Dharamsala During the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Laura Lynch Dharamsala is a backpacker’s haven situated on the foothills of the Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas in the state of Himachal Pradesh, northern India. The word Dharamsala translates as the resting place for pilgrims and travellers. It is no wonder visitors end up spending more time here than planned while on their…

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Ammaji About the Age and History of Asanas

In our interview Ammaji (Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani) is giving insights into the historical development of concepts and practices of Yoga. It was in 1967 when the journalist of US-American origin was literally drawn to India, where she is living ever since. She married Yogaguru Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri. Ever since the ICYER ashram in…

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Developing Your Self practice in Yoga

During these virus-shaken days many of us are seeking for online guidance on their yogic path. Numerous online courses pop up and it seems like business with virtual consultants and practice videos is booming.  Self practice surely is an often neglected virtue in our modern times as the options and possibilities to join Yoga classes…

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Antar Mouna – Inner Silence

by Krishna Prakash Antar Mouna is a clear set of six stages to allow us to enter deep meditation and beyond. It was brought out by the wonderful living tradition of the Bihar School of Yoga. This article gives you an overview what to expect. If you say YES to one or more to any…

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An Introduction to the Roots of Yoga Nidra

BY KRISHNA PRAKASH Nidra means sleep and Yoga Nidra is its antonym! Although appearing to be a practice of deep stillness, Yoga Nidra is a practice that allows one to rest, relax, rejuvenate, manage stress, understand oneself, realize desires consciously. With the word Yoga most of us predominantly associate postures, neglecting the true origin and complexity…

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Yoga Postures – A Forgotten History

by Chétana Jessica Torrens with insight from Yogrishi Vishvketu Recently, there have been discussions and writings suggesting that Yoga postures, other than seated meditation poses, are really no older than the modern era or the late middle ages. It is said that earlier spiritual practices did not include a wide variety of yogasana. This is…

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Lessons from my Akhanda Yoga Teacher Training

by Evguenia Alechine, PhD Akhanda Yoga is a holistic Yogic approach developed by Himalayan Master Yogrishi Vishvketu (also known as Vishva-ji). He studied and practiced Yoga for over 40 years and holds a PhD in Yoga Philosophy. For the last 25 years, he has been sharing his learnings at workshops and conferences around the world. Vishva-ji…

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Finding Your Yoga Teacher Training Course in India – An Introduction

It is an excellent idea to invest in any kind of Yogic learning, especially in a Yoga Teacher Training, in India! Most likely you are about to have a life changing experience if you choose to do a Teacher Training Course on the peninsula. Primarily known as the birthplace of Yoga, India is an experience…

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