Stand in the Tadasana position in the centre of the mat facing the long side of the mat.
The Sanskrit name is derived from Parsva (पार्श्व) meaning side, Kona (कोना) meaning angle and asana (आसन) meaning posture or seat.
Exhale and bring the feet apart to more than hip distance.
Inhale and stretch hands out on both sides.
While exhaling, turn your right foot to the right side bending your leg at the knee joint and move sideways till the right hand touches the ground outside the right foot.
Stretch the left hand straight forming a right angle.
Look up towards the elbow and hold this position for 10-15 breaths making sure your weight is evenly distributed on both feet.
Breathe normally.
To come out of this pose press actively into your feet, and on an inhalation strongly extend through the left arm as you come back up to straight.
Reverse the direction of your feet to do the same pose on the other side.
Avoid bearing weight in the grounded hand or arm.
Watch for the bent knee pushing forward over the toes – to correct this, take a wider distance.
Locking the pelvis when you side bend- this may pinch your hips leading to cartilage tear in the hip joint.
Strengthens and stretches the legs, knees, and ankles.
Stretches the groins, spine, waist, and shoulders.
Alleviates Osteoporosis.
Relieves Sciatica.
Expands the chest and lungs.
Stimulates abdominal organs.
Eases Constipation.
Alleviates Infertility.
Relieves Lower backache.
Relieves Menstrual discomfort.
Increases Stamina.
Reduce fat in the hip regions.
Avoid in case of high or low blood pressure.
Avoid if suffering from ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder injury.
Avoid if you have a weak nervous system or weak joints.
Avoid if suffering from insomnia.
Avoid if suffering from headache or migraine.