
Introduction to the Asana

The Sanskrit name is derived from Chatur (चतुर) meaning four, Anga (अङ्ग) meaning limb, Danda (दण्डा) meaning staff/stick and asana (आसन) meaning posture or seat.

Step to get in the pose

  • Come into Adho Mukha Svanasana position. The gap between the arms should be equal to shoulder width. Ensure at least a 30 cm gap between the big toes.

  • Bend the elbows and lower the body so that the chin, knees and chest should touch the floor. Exhale while lowering the body. Now the body should be straight.

  • Inhale and lift the chin, knees, and chest.

  • No part of the body should touch the floor except your palms and toes.

  • Do not hang on your belly. Shoulder blades should not come out.

  • The muscles of the upper arms and stomach should be tightened to keep the back straight.

  • Keep this final position as long as it is convenient and keep breathing normally.

  • To release the pose, exhale and bring the body down to the floor.

Common mistakes and pitfalls

  • Shoulders drooping lower than elbow height.

  • Hunched shoulders

  • Uneven hands.

  • Arching or bowing your head.

  • Sinking hips or lifting your buttocks.

  • Lowering more than 90 degrees.


  • Strengthens the back, core muscles, and quadriceps.

  • Alleviates backache.

  • Enhances overall body flexibility and health.

  • Improves your posture.

  • Relieves arthritic and osteoporosis pain.

  • Improves blood circulation and regulates blood pressure.

  • Boost the respiratory system by opening the lungs and chest.

  • May help reduce fatigue and inflammation in breast cancer survivors.

  • Reduce the strain on the heart and also manage stress levels.

  • May help reduce weight.

  • Prepares you for advanced yoga poses.

  • Enhances overall mental well-being.

  • Balances the chakras helping a spiritual connection.


  • Avoid in case of an injury in the back, shoulder, or hand.

  • Avoid in case you are suffering from wrist, elbow, shoulder, or lower back pain.

  • Avoid if you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

  • Avoid if suffering from high blood pressure.

  • Pregnant women or beginners to do this yoga only under the guidance of a Yoga teacher.

  • Avoid during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Ailments tackled

Additional Details

  • Level of Practitioner:Intermediate
  • Another Name of Asana:Four Limb Staff Pose

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