Yoga Philosophy

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means yoke. Just as a yoke is used to join, so also Yoga means ‘Union’. Yoga is all about union with one’s higher self or the divine.
At its core, yogic philosophy postulates that all unhappiness is routed in the disturbances and agitation initiated by the senses in the mind. These disturbances manifest as cravings, which when not met, cause agitation and unhappiness.
It outlines various practices and disciplines which allow one to gain control over the senses and, in turn, reduce the cravings and graspings of the mind, which are at the root of unhappiness.
Thus, Yoga implores the seeker to look within, to get a firm understanding of the mechanisms of experiencing unhappiness. This awareness, combined with mastering one’s senses, allows the aspirant to experience continued bliss.
This philosophy is expounded by the mystic and philosopher Patanjali in his immortal works called the Yoga Sutras. The Yoga Sutras are a collection of 195 sutras or aphorisms that outline the theory and practice of Yoga.
The Yoga Sutras are best known for their reference to Ashtanga or eight elements (limbs) of practice culminating in Samadhi or self-realization.

- Patanjali’s Prayer Invocation
- What is Yoga
- History of Yoga
- Philosophy
- The 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Three Margas(Paths) of Yoga
- Asanas
- Prayanama
- Meditation
- Significance of Mudras
- Seven Chakras: An Ancient Guide to Modern Living
- Evolution & Lineages
- Yoga Masters
- Guru – Shishya Relationship
- Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
- The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita