Sitakari Pranayama

Sitakari Pranayama, also known as “Hissing Breath” or “Cooling Breath,” is a yogic breathing technique that involves inhaling through the teeth to produce a cooling effect in the body. It is a variation of Sheetali Pranayama, and both practices aim to create a sense of calm and coolness. Here’s a detailed process on how to perform Sitakari Pranayama

StepbyStep Guide to Sitakari Pranayama

Sit Comfortably:

  • Find a quiet and clean place to sit comfortably. You can sit in a cross-legged position (Padmasana or Sukhasana) on a cushion or yoga mat.
  • Keep your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and hands resting on your knees.


  • Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.
  • Close your eyes and maintain a calm and focused state.

Open your mouth and roll your tongue slightly, if possible. If you cannot roll your tongue, part your lips and expose your teeth.


  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your exposed teeth or the opening between your rolled tongue.
  •  Feel the air entering your mouth and passing down your throat into your lungs.


  • Close your mouth and exhale slowly and completely through your nostrils.
  •  Focus on the natural warmth of the exhaled breath.

  • Pay attention to the cooling sensation during inhalation and the warmth during exhalation.

  • Be mindful of the breath as it fills your lungs and the sensations it creates in your body.
  • Establish a steady and even rhythm in both inhalation and exhalation.

  • Practice with a comfortable pace, and gradually, you can increase the duration and depth of your breath.

Optionally, you can use a specific hand mudra during Sitakari Pranayama. Place your hands on your knees in Jnana Mudra, where the tips of your thumbs and index fingers touch.

  • Begin with 5-10 rounds initially.

  • As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the number of rounds to 15-20.

  • After the desired number of rounds, close your eyes and sit quietly for a moment.

  • Observe any changes in your state of mind and body.

Tips for Practicing Sitakari Pranayama

Keep the facial muscles and shoulders relaxed throughout the practice.
Breath Quality

Focus on making the breath smooth, gentle, and without strain.


Regular practice enhances the cooling and calming effects of Sitakari Pranayama.

Sitakari Pranayama is considered beneficial for reducing stress, calming the mind, and creating a cooling effect on the body. If you have respiratory conditions or concerns, or if you experience discomfort during the practice, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a qualified yoga instructor before incorporating Sitakari Pranayama into your routine.

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