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Children's Yoga Classes

Benefits of Children Yoga |

Benefits of Children's Yoga

Yoga can help children deal with the pressure-cooker environment they are facing in their day-to-day lives. It can help them infuse energy and confidence into their personalities. 

Children's Yoga

A fun Iyengar yoga class designed for children of age groups 7-12; Children’s Yoga is a form of modern yoga devised for children by Guruji BKS Iyengar. It includes poses that increase strength, flexibility, and muscle coordination. It helps shape their minds to concentrate and grasp concepts faster. These classes are fun and include age-appropriate games, moral storytelling, animal sounds, and creative names for poses. Some emotional benefits of the class are greater optimism and a less reactive nature. Yoga for children helps them calm their minds and balance their bodies. Children’s yoga helps improve their academic performance and their confidence in physical abilities, rigorousness, dedication, precision, energy and love and with the aim to transmit his passion to his students. 

Children's Yoga



Yoga is a non-competitive form of exercise, suitable for children of all ages, sizes and varying degrees of athletic abilities. Yoga can be a healthy outlet for them to balance their busy lives. Yoga can help children unlock their physical potential and build a life-long discipline in health and fitness.  

The goal is to keep them engaged with their yoga practice to learn fitness, relaxation, concentration, and awareness. The key is maintaining their attention on what they are doing. Our teacher retains a light tone throughout the class while intermixing games with the poses to keep the children's attention, thus, fulfilling the educational goal of yoga for children. 

Our teacher follows the teachings of Guruji BKS Iyengar and in his books, guruji has divided the asanas into different sequences which encourage children to try different asanas each week. 

No, Children naturally tend to have more flexibility compared to adults. They do not require any props to learn the yoga asanas. However, you can buy them a yoga mat to practice at home.  

Ideally, one hour of practice is enough to reap the full benefits of yoga, but we initially start our classes with 30mins of exercise and 15mins of storytelling to gradually build their interest 

Meet Our Teacher

Namita Kamdar

Namita Kamdar is a yoga teacher, teaching the tradition of Yogacharya B.K.S.Iyengar. She has been practicing yoga and imparting her knowledge and experience through yoga classes for children and teenagers. As a yoga teacher for children, she introduces them to the dynamic aspect of yoga in the form of fast movements, challenging asanas, and inversions. They are taught a variety of asanas throughout a class. At the end of each session, stories are narrated to teach them the importance of moral values like honesty, cleanliness, non-violence, etc.  

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